Firm Turned-on to Eyedo
Reinforces Benefit of Strategic Partnerships
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Eyedo currently operates in large, complex industries – like retail, health care and public safety/services. Recently, we were approached by a quality and safety consultant, who helped reinforce the importance of our Strategic Partnerships.
This happened when Noam Eagle, Head of the Food Division of Lab-Path, contacted me. He and his team specialize in quality assurance, testing, inspection and auditing services for the Food and Agriculture industries. In addition, they provide engineering and technological consulting, as they relate to food quality and safety.
Managing quality and safety for food manufacturers – Eagle’s domain – is an area that requires interaction and cooperation on all levels of the organization, at different stages, with immediacy and accuracy. The consequences of delays, mistakes and inefficient communication can be costly to the manufacturer, as well as to public health.

Eagle had heard about Eyedo’s solution from one of his clients, who recently implemented the solution. We tailored our standard Eyedo platform to their needs and, like our other customers, they immediately experienced important, new operational efficiencies.
The more Eagle heard, the more curious he became. “We work with the food industry, as well as the Ministry of Health,” he explains. “I wanted to see Eyedo’s tool for myself and requested a meeting.”
“The documentation of product quality and safety procedures in the food industry can be very bureaucratic, archaic and complicated, as well as hard for managers to supervise.” He mentioned that many of the QA processes still involve filling in forms and written documentation.
He was highly impressed with the ease of automating the procedures in such a way that provides real-time oversight. “Eyedo sends relevant data, pointing out the exceptions and violations. By emphasizing these exceptions for us, the tool increases efficiency and helps improve product quality and safety. The potential for Eyedo to make an impact on the food production industry is significant,” Eagle concluded.
Today, Eyedo is actively pursuing strategic partnerships with industry consultants, such as Lab-Path, in the diverse industries we serve. Regardless of company size (from regional health funds to global consumer goods manufacturers) and other systems currently in place (our large clients often have enterprise operational management systems in place), we are finding that Eyedo immediately has a positive impact on operational efficiency and profitability…at a very reasonable price point.
Insight: Consulting Firms can introduce new operational efficiencies to their clients by recommending Eyedo. The tool will provide firms with real-time oversight and actionable insights, thereby improving and expediting their professional advice.